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  • Writer's pictureDelaney Harbeck

Approaches to Educational Technology

Why the SAMR Model?

In this piece, I will be discussing my thoughts on the approaches to educational technology. There are four approaches to educational technology: the TPACK model, Triple-E framework, the T3 Framework for Innovation, and the SAMR model. All four of these approaches to educational technology provide different benefits and uses. Today, I will be focusing on the SAMR model.

The SAMR model has four levels: 1. Substitution, which means the technology used is a direct substitute for the activity (hand-writing an essay vs. typing), 2. Augmentation, where the technology provides tools to increase efficiency (creating a slideshow on Google Slides with collaborative tools), 3. Modifications, where the task changes due to the use of technology (writing a blog post instead of an essay), and 4. Redefinition, where the task changes entirely due to the use of technology (students create a movie or podcast). The SAMR model stuck out to me as the most efficient approach to educational technology. This is because it is broken down into four clear levels, and learning is easily defined at Modification and upward. Benefits of using the SAMR model include: “1) the promotion of digital literacy throughout the transformation of assignments and learning activities; 2) the gradual inclusion of technology into a class assignment over time, giving the educator the opportunity to pilot test new technology tools and to experiment with an assignment from semester to semester…” (Hitchcock). This model encourages teachers to reflect on how necessary the use of technology is in a lesson, as well as how technology can be used to create more interactive and engaging assignments. Activities found in the Modification and Redefinition levels provide students with options such as creating a blog, making a movie, or recording a podcast to present their learning. This gives students a sense of control over their learning, which can promote motivation and engagement. I have always taken away more from a lesson that captivated my attention or required me to stray from the typical five-body paragraph. In “Technology for Learners” Fastigii states, “Ensure that you use technology to expose students to the outside world. This not only helps to improve their cultural understanding and international-mindedness, it can be great for building key literacy skills” (Fastigii). The SAMR model helps teachers create assignments that do exactly this. Creating an assignment in the Modification or Redefinition segments allows students to share their work publicly and interact with their work on multiple levels. Seizing the opportunity to be creative is strongly encouraged in the SAMR model. The main focus of the SAMR model is not the technology itself, but how the teacher uses it, promoting reflective teaching.

Why are the approaches to educational technology important? These approaches provide teachers with methods and guidelines to create interactive, effective learning activities with the use of technology as a tool. In this year of 2022, technology is prevalent in everyday life. Students consume so much through technology alone. The United States and other countries around the world have made significant advancements in technology. As time and technology move forward, so should our teaching strategies. We, as educators, should use the tools that are more than readily available to us to achieve relevant, engaged learning.


Fastiggi, Will, “The SAMR Model” Technology for Learners - Learn to Use Technology and Use Technology to Learn,

Hitchcock, Laurel. “#APM18 Teaching with Technology Using the SAMR Model” Teaching and Learning in Social Work,


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