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Professional Responsiblities

Professional Development

ISTE 2.1.a. Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.

Teachers are lifelong learners. Professional development is an ongoing experience that will occur throughout the entirety of our careers. EduPaths is a technological tool that allows educators to take courses that expand their knowledge of teaching. I used EduPaths to take a course on how to ask questions that guide student learning. This is a topic I have learned a bit about before but wanted to expand my knowledge on because it is extremely relevant, not only to my content area specifically but to all of teaching as a whole. 


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Engagement With the University

ISTE 2.6.a. Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.

In March of 2022, I had the opportunity to facilitate and take notes for two separate engagement sessions hosted by Northern Michigan University. The purpose of these engagement sessions was to provide feedback regarding the new strategic plan for the university. During these sessions, I facilitated a conversation held by students and faculty where participants were able to take ownership and redefine goals for this plan that will directly impact their time at the university as well as the future of other students and staff at Northern.



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Alternative Demonstration of Learning

ISTE 2.7.a. Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning using technology.

Each student has unique strengths and weaknesses. Our job as educators is to foster their strengths and interests. This is why providing alternative methods for demonstrating their learning is so important. One great tool educators can use for assessments is VoiceThread. VoiceThread allows students to create engaging projects to demonstrate their learning and gives students the option to upload media, draw, and make both verbal and written comments. The variety this tool provides in terms of options for how a student wants to respond to an assessment or create a digital display of their learning means that students are not stuck with one option. Students can choose to respond using their strengths, whether that is responding verbally or through a written response, whichever makes them more comfortable.

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