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  • Writer's pictureDelaney Harbeck

The Future Of Technology in Education

How AI shapes the future of education.

As future teachers, it is important for us to be aware of the future of technology in education. The times are changing and so should the tools we use in the classroom. This means preparing ourselves for the changes in educational technology that are yet to come. Using technology in the classroom as a tool for learning is more prominent now than ever before and will only continue to develop our teaching methods and strategies.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is becoming more prevalent in schools. AI can be used for assessment, tutoring, or individualized learning, among many other incredible uses that technology can provide us as it continues to develop. In Bernard Marr’s article, he states, “Tutoring and studying programs are becoming more advanced thanks to artificial intelligence, and soon they will be more available and able to respond to a range of learning styles.” (Marr, 2018) Essentially, AI can be used to fill the gaps that are left when students have a variety of different learning needs. The point is not for AI to take over the role of the teacher, replacing the teacher entirely, but for educators and AI to work together to create the most effective and efficient learning systems for our future students. Marr states, “Since the students of today will need to work in a future where AI is the reality, it’s important that our educational institutions expose students to and use the technology.” (Marr, 2018) Preparing our students, as well as ourselves, for the future of technology is vital given that both students and educators live in a technologically driven world.

Incorporating AI into the classrooms also helps out the teachers by freeing up some of our time. Having AI take care of certain responsibilities leaves teachers more open to students for important discussions. In an article written by Max Burkhalter, it is stated, “AI helps teachers fill the gaps where their students are in most need of learning. By streamlining some of the more administrative tasks, AI affords teachers valuable one-on-one time with their students. Teachers can dedicate more classroom time to talking to students, answering questions and helping them succeed.” (Burkhalter, 2021) Student-teacher relationships are a driving force in education, therefore allowing more time for these valuable relationships to foster and develop, the greater the education experience is for everyone involved.

In the article, “3 Tools to Model AI in the Classroom Now”, three great AI tools and activities were discussed. My favorite of these three was the “Akinator” AI activity. This use of technology in the classroom is an excellent example of using AI to promote more in-depth learning. The “Akinator” is a game where participants answer yes/no questions until the AI guesses what character the participant is attempting to describe. The activity suggested for secondary students is to have learners research and describe a character from their readings and see if they can get the AI to guess said character correctly, or even try to stump the AI from guessing the character. Since my content area is English, I can see myself using this exercise with my students. This fun activity teaches students research skills while simultaneously helping them engrain important information into their brains for future reference.

When I reflect on my k-12 schooling days, I cannot remember a specific incidence where we used AI as a tool for learning. This is not to say that I did not encounter it, there are just no activities that pop out at me or seem significant. I believe this reflects how quickly our world is changing in both education, technology, and the integration of the two. This amplifies the significance of keeping ourselves up-to-date with the ever-changing technological world surrounding us. Technology can be used as a powerful tool for learning, especially if used in creative and analytic ways. Embracing technology as part of our future curriculum puts us one step ahead of the game in the world of education.


AI. (2020, May 19). MindSpark. MindSpark.

Marr, B. (2018, July 25). How Is AI Used In Education -- Real World Examples Of Today And A Peek Into The Future. Forbes.

Perle Systems. (2022).,questions%20and%20helping%20them%20succeed.


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