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Planning and Preparation

Equitable Internet Access

ISTE 2.2.b. Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students

Ensuring our students have equal access to online assignments and resources is one of the responsibilities we hold as educators. A great way to measure what kinds of access our students’ have, a simple Google form can do the trick. Google forms is a great tool to use for this because educators have the option to allow student responses to remain anonymous, so students will be more willing to answer honestly if the student does not have access to a computer at home. If students do not have access to the Internet outside of school, the teacher should refer them to resources they can use, such as the school library. Advocating for equitable access for all students could look something like proposing to the school board the purchase of school laptops for students.

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Managing Online Sources

ISTE 2.3.b. Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

Using digital resources as a part of our education is the norm in today’s world. We have loads of information at our fingertips. When using online resources for education purposes, it is important to stay organized. Diigo is a wonderful tool for this. Diigo allows students and educators to create their personal online libraries. The user can add any source to their library, as well as explore the resources already provided on Diigo. Creating a Diigo library has allowed me to make space for promoting my own curiosity and keep online resources in a place I can always find them.

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Collaboration With Colleagues

ISTE 2.4.a. Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology.

Dedicating time to plan and collaborate with colleagues is one of the most important aspects of teaching. Collaboration opens up a whole new variety of resources we can use to build off each other and support our students with as many tools as we can. In my example, I sent out an email to my colleagues to set up a Zoom meeting in order for us to meet and discuss our project. Having the available technology to meet virtually is a major advantage, as one of our group members was out of town and the other at work. We live busy lives, and technology allows us to be able to work around these hectic schedules and still meet with our colleagues and peers.

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